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IVY Thought Leaders

We’re thrilled to connect you with Christina Wallace, Harvard Business School senior lecturer, startup mentor, angel investor, and author of The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid Burnout, and Build a Life Bigger than Your Business Card. In a dynamic conversation moderated by IVY CEO and YPO Metro NY Chapter Chair Emeritus Beri Meric, we will discover how we can achieve a sustainable and happy life full of professional, financial, and personal success.

There is a ton of conflicting advice today on how to achieve work-life balance—guidance varies from prioritizing self care at the detriment of our budgets to racking up multiple side gigs to embracing a whole life approach instead of striving for two balanced spheres. This overload of information leaves it hard for us to figure out the best approach to finding happiness at home and growth at work, all without jeopardizing our success financially. Christina Wallace argues that if we take a three-pronged portfolio approach to our lives, we can cut out the hustle culture while diversifying our financial foundation. We hope you will join us as we learn how to navigate change and build a fulfilling life without sacrificing our finances!

IVY members only.

May 5

University College London

May 13

HBS Class of 2022 1-Year Reunion